Addition and Subtraction Within 20 – Hidden Pictures | Digit Fidget
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Practicing addition and subtraction with your kindergarten or first graders has never been so much fun! Students LOVE SOLVE AND SEE STRIPS! They will get targeted sums and differences practice with these. And, they will be so engaged with these fact fluency activities that no one will be off task! Monster Themed.
Here’s what one teacher wrote to tell me:
This was too cute not to share! So, Fridays are usually reserved as Fun Friday. I hadn’t really thought about what to do until Thursday night when I came across a set of printed copies of your Digit Fidgets in my classroom from September. I decided they would do the Digit Fidget because they could use the practice. So, Friday morning as we are preparing for math stations, I told them for journaling they would do a Digit Fidget page and held up the copies. Leah, they cheered and whopped like I had just announced an extra recess! That is when you know you have a GREAT product! When students are excited to do math and math word problems because it is engaging! Thanks, Leah, for making math my students’ favorite part of the day! Just thought I’d share how THANKFUL I am for you and your engaging products!
Students solve 12 problems per page and then glue their answers to the matching problems to see a hidden picture! Students love the challenge of finding the mystery picture. And, they love cut and glue activities. These are very helpful in building fact fluency!
Digit Fidget Hidden Pictures are:
- No Prep
- Motivational
- Self-Checking
- Interactive
- Targeted
•Students cut the sheets in half on the dotted line.
•Then they solve each problem on the left problem page and record their work on the recording sheet.
•They cut apart the solution squares in the right strip and glue them to the correct problem square for a correct picture.
►For Extra Motivation, students create a Solve and See Strips Booklet!
This is how to easily increase engagement! Have your students:
- Color in a star on the I’M A SOLVE AND SEE STAR! page for each strip they have correct.
- Decorate the Solve and See Strips cover page.
- Hole punch the corners of their cover page, completed picture strips, star strip, and recording sheet to make their strips into a booklet.
⭐ Here’s What’s Included:
- 6 Solve and See Strips
- Visual Picture Answer Keys
- Numerical Answer Keys
- Recording Sheets
- Cover Page
- Solve and See Star Pages
- Solve and See Math Centers
- Detailed Teacher Tips with Photos!
⭐ Use Solve and See Strips for:
- Morning Work
- Extra Practice
- Extensions
- Early Finishers
- Motivation
- Math Centers
- Homework
- Subs
❤️Please see the PREVIEW for all the details!
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Have fun Mathing!
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