Multiplication and Division Activities: Third Grade Common Core Centers


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Division and Multiplication Activities: Third Grade Common Core Centers

5 centers packed with differentiated multiplication and division games and activities! This packet includes a variety of approaches to learning multiplicaiont and division, using multiple visual supports and formats to engage a wide variety of learners.

✎ There are games for concepts, facts, review, and practice + posters for Essential Questions, Enduring Understandings, and I Can Statements. Detailed teacher notes, tips, and ideas are included, too!

These multiplication and division activities are designed to engage your students in meaningful practice allowing you to run small groups that maximize student learning.

Simple prep will save you hours – just print, laminate or use sheet protectors and use year after year.

★ Included Resources ★
Mystery Theme
Sniffing Out Word Problems – This center is wonderful for assessing who really understands multiplication and division! Students select an equation card and write a word problem to match. They also draw a picture of their problems. The unknown is in all different positions so students get real practice in using all the multiplication and division strategies they’ve been practicing!

Missing Numbers – Students match missing numbers in equations. The “missing numbers”, a.k.a. unknowns are in all different positions within the equations.

Just the Facts! – This center is a sort of the commutative, distributive, and associative properties of multiplication. Students sort cards with problems solved using one of the properties into groups.

Solve and Sort – For this fun center, students solve the word problem on a task card and match it to its answer. Then, place the task card under the heading that tells which operation they used.

Find the Rule! – What’s the rule?? Using tables with multiplication and division patterns and relationships, students match a rule to a table.

★ Student-Friendly ★
• Cute Mystery graphics
• Fun and engaging activities make kids feel “smart”
• I Can Statements
• Easy directions on all activities

★ Teacher-Friendly ★
• Common Core Aligned to third grade division and multiplication standards
• Detailed teacher notes, tips, and ideas
• Enduring Understandings Posters
• Essential Questions Posters
• Standards Posters
• EASY set-up

✄ Teacher Note: The lines around the cards are wide so you can overlay them to cut several at a time and still stay “in the lines”. This makes set-up even faster and saves you teacher-time! 🙂

♥ Great for homeschooling families too!


✋ Looking for other fun activities for practicing third grade math skills? Check out these popular resources:

Monster Multiplication by Tens
Word Problems – 3rd Grade Multi-Step – Common Core Aligned – Bundled!

Equivalent Fraction Activities – Hands On Task Cards with Pattern Blocks

Thank you for purchasing, downloading, browsing, following and inspiring! I hope this resource brings a bit of inspiration your way! If you find anything in this packet that needs to be reworked or might work better for your students, please let me know and I will be happy to rework any activity/packet that you have purchased to fit your needs. You can always reach me at [email protected]

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Thanks for taking your time to peek inside this resource!

Have fun Mathing!


***Just a friendly reminder that this product is for A SINGLE USER ONLY. That means that copying or sharing any part of this product with another teacher, grade level, school, department, district, etc…is strictly prohibited. You have the option to purchase multiple licenses (at a discount) for each additional person/classroom with whom you wish to share this product. Thank you for respecting my hard work!

© All rights reserved. Leah Popinski


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