Kindergarten – 1st & 2nd Grades – Logic Puzzles


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Early Finishers – Logic Puzzles – Problem Solving

Do you need more challenging resources for your math tubs? What about your kindergarten, first, or 2nd grade students who already seem to know everything? Provide them with these fun and engaging logic puzzles! Not only do they build problem solving skills they also build critical thinking skills! No more, “I’m done!”. No more, “I’m bored!”.

Additionally, these Pattern Block Logic Puzzles provide students with a hands-on way to increase their logical reasoning and problem solving skills!

There are 10 Sudoku-like puzzles that use Pattern Blocks instead of numbers. By using Pattern Blocks as a manipulative, students can easily move them until they find the right solution. Consequently, they won’t erase a hole in their paper as they guess and test solutions!

Research shows that logic puzzles boost brain activity and improve memory and concentration!

Being successful in applying learned strategies and working through word problems requires critical thinking to be successful. Even as these logic puzzles strengthen logical reasoning skills, they also help brains think outside the box as they solve problems.

Here’s What’s Included:

  • 10 “Shape Capers” logic puzzles in a 3 x 3 grid using Pattern Blocks
  • The same 10 puzzles are also in a cut and paste format – easy to send home for homework
  • A blank “Create Your Own” pattern block puzzle template
  • Printable pattern block cards in case you don’t have a set of blocks
  • Answer keys are also labeled for easy checking

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Have fun Mathing!


***Just a friendly reminder that this product is for A SINGLE USER ONLY. That means that copying or sharing any part of this product with another teacher, grade level, school, department, district, etc…is strictly prohibited. You have the option to purchase multiple licenses (at a discount) for each additional person/classroom with whom you wish to share this product. Thank you for respecting my hard work!

© All rights reserved. Leah Popinski


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