140 Early Finishers Math Brain Teasers | Fast Finishers Gifted Activities Bundle


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Solve all of your fast-finisher problems with these early finisher brain teasers! This bundle of 140 enrichment activities is the answer to I’m done! Now what?!

We call these early finishers or fast finishers activities. But really, you can use these math brain teasers with ALL of your students. They are ideal for morning work to get your kids “mathing”.

No matter how good we are at differentiating, we still have early finishers. We know there are better answers than giving them more of the same work. They need to have math activities that extend and challenge their thinking. These early finisher brain teasers do that!


perfectly aligned to the Common Core Mathematical Practices and Texas TEKS Process Standards! We carefully crafted each challenge with problem-solving in mind.

Modalities vary within the early finisher brain teasers, so students stay highly engaged. With this resource, students will have rigorous work to do once they have completed assignments! You can make the print version into an early finisher booklet. Give it to your students or add it to your early finishers bin and tell them they can work on it when they complete their assignments. Assign the digital version through Google Classroom. Easy!

The digital early finisher brain teasers are completely separate. They are in color with movable pieces and interactive text boxes to amplify the fun factor. These math brain teaser challenges are highly engaging and motivating!

ALL Early Finisher PACKS are entirely digital with interactive parts, not just overlays. This makes interactive math centers tons of fun! You can have ALL your students working on the same activities, even if some students need paper and pencil while others need interactive digital work at centers. It’s so very helpful!!

The term “Smarty Pants” is not used in any student early finisher brain teasers.

VARIETY OF USES FOR DIFFERENTIATIONYou can use these in various ways—class-wide, individual, homework, assessment, guided math groups, or intervention. You may choose to utilize the early finisher resources or assign them through Google Classroom. They will serve as meaningful work for students to complete when they are finished and waiting for the rest of the class.

With these early finisher brain teasers, you will no longer spend hours looking for something to keep your early finishers engaged and learning, and you will no longer hear, ‘I’m finished; what do I do now?’ This resource is a comprehensive solution to keep your students engaged and learning, making it a must-have for any math teacher.

These early finisher brain teasers are ideal for gifted students, morning work, math warm-ups, math centers, or collaborative work.


These math activities will have your third, fourth, and fifth graders thinking, reasoning, and using math vocabulary, order of operations, mental math, and number sense!

These early finisher brain teasers may also work well for some 6th graders. Please see the preview!

Prevent off-task behavior by keeping those eager minds engaged, motivated, and challenged. Promote mathematical thinking and reasoning. Each brain teaser is also a springboard for great mathematical classroom conversations!

Parents love seeing these challenges come home for homework, too!


1. Intervention—For students who need that extra boost, this is a great opportunity to teach and practice problem-solving and many other math skills. It is also a wonderful way to build mathematical confidence in students!

2. Early Finishers—You can use these early finisher brain teasers as a packet for students to work on independently until everyone is done. Math for Smarty Pants contains meaningful, rigorous, engaging activities that ensure students are working on important skills instead of busy work.

3. Homework or Independent Work During Math Centers – Students should be able to complete these early finisher brain teasers independently with little or no instruction using problem-solving skills and mental math.

5. Guided Math—These activities are perfect for guided math groups, especially if you have limited time. You can focus on problem-solving strategies, such as guessing and checking, using logical reasoning, working backward, and looking for patterns.

Want to know more about what’s included?

Click on the links below to view the individual previews for each resource!

❤️ All activities are no prep! Just print, laminate, or use sheet protectors, and use them year after year! Or use the digital versions to increase engagement even more!



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