Build a Snowman FREE Money Center
Do you love seeing a cute snowman? I do! There is something cheery and friendly about every snowman I’ve ever seen.
I hope you’re enjoying this holiday season with lots of friends and family. Not only do I love snowmen, but I also love this time of year! The holidays always make me stop, appreciate, and be thankful……and thankful I am. I live in such a beautiful place. It’s remote and over 8,600 feet up in the mountains.
So-o-o, that means giving up a lot of conveniences. But being a Southern girl from Louisiana and then living in Houston for all but the last year, the snow, a cute snowman, mountains, and calm are a welcomed change.
And then this morning, when I checked our temperature…EEEEK!
This made me think about the cold, the snow, and making, of course, a snowman. Then, my thoughts circled back to being thankful. Thankful that I can connect to the world with the Internet – yes, we have it! I’m thankful I can share my resources and ideas right here with you. And, I’m thankful for all of my friends and followers who are always supportive and just plain wonderful, giving people.
Here’s a “feeling thankful” freebie for each of you reading my blog. With getting ready for the holidays and shopping, I decided to combine a money resource with snow for this fun and cute Build-A-Snowman activity. It will challenge your 2nd and 3rd graders to use a money menu as they build a snowman.
CLICK HERE to subscribe to Sum Math Fun and grab this freebie from our FREE Resource Library!
Our kids love these challenges. They use their money skills and guess and check until they find the coins that will create the snowman worth the amount on the task card. They also have to make their amounts match the snowman accessories. Then they use the recording sheet to “build” their snowman.
This is such a fun and creative way to practice the sometimes not so fun skill of counting coins. It also makes a great winter display of student work.
If you don’t have snow yet, I hope you eventually have some this year. If that’s not very likely where you live, let me know. We have enough to share!
I hope you’ll grab the freebie above from our free resource library and if you need more challenges, check out the full resource below with 20 Build-A-Snowman Worth . . . challenges. It has 5 levels of differentiation so ALL of your learners can work at their own level!
Wishing you a winter filled with friends, family, wonderful memories . . . and lots of snow.
And as always,
Thank you for the freebie, my little guy will enjoy this
I would love to use this, and I am subscribed but somehow I need a password to access it. Can you please help?
Hi Ariane! Sure! I can’t post our password to our FREE resource library here, but as a member, you should have received newsletters each Sunday that include the password. If it’s easier for you, just email me at [email protected] and I’ll send this freebie right to your inbox. 🤗❄