{Free} Logic Puzzles For Building Logical Reasoning Skills
Building logical reasoning skills with these {free} logic puzzles is a snap. Your first graders, second graders, third graders, even fourth and fifth graders will love solving these and be completely engaged. They won’t even realize they are increasing their problem solving skills!
Use these free logic puzzles to build logical reasoning skills, motivate and engage your students in mathematical problem-solving!
Using manipulatives gives students an opportunity to explore the abstract concept of logical reasoning while using concrete objects. They also make it much easier for students to test and change their thinking without erasing a hole in their paper! Thus, they are risk-free and allow students to develop confidence in experimentation.
Plus, they are naturally motivating and work for all styles of learning.
Research shows that experiences that develop logical reasoning, such as logical reasoning challenges and brain teasers boost brain activity and improve memory as well as concentration! You can find out more about how important this is HERE.
Logic free online jigsaw puzzles are not only a good workout for the brain, but they will increase math skills because math is logical. 🤓
Comprehending math computations and working through word problems require logical thinking to be successful.
These {FREE} Logic Puzzles will strengthen and build logical reasoning skills and help students’ brains learn to think outside the box, necessary proficiencies to be strong in problem solving.
Students will need access to hexagons, triangles, squares, and the blue rhombuses from a set of Pattern Blocks.
1. Give students Logic Puzzle #1. Explain the directions. If your students have done Sudoku-like puzzles before, they will recognize this as a similar type of problem.
2. Ask students to “study” the problem and give them a “think minute” to silently make observations.
3. Ask students what they notice – do not allow students to start sharing solutions but only share their observations at this point. Before you send students to work independently, ask questions that will focus them on where to start. What do they know for sure? For many students, finding a starting point is the most difficult part of problem solving.
4. Allow students a few minutes to work independently on the puzzle using manipulatives at their seats or on the floor.
5. Students should then find a partner (or work with one you choose for them) and share their thinking so far. Encourage them to use math vocabulary and justify their thinking while their partner listens and asks questions such as, “How do you know the square has to go there?” “Would it work if we exchange the hexagon for the triangle here?” If students have trouble getting started, ask some of the questions in the picture above.
6. As students work, circulate, listen and raise questions while focusing on how individual students are thinking.
7. Regroup students in whole group or small groups to share their solutions and thinking. This will give them another opportunity to clarify their thinking and use mathematical vocabulary. It will give other students an opportunity to justify their answers and to re-think and adjust their own thinking.
During this sharing time, you will have one more opportunity for an observational assessment of students’ individual styles and intellectual strengths.
Have students complete the other logic puzzles using Pattern Blocks. After the initial introduction, the puzzles may be completed in a math work station.
You may choose to have students write about their thinking in their math journals. One option is to write a step-by-step explanation of their solution as if they were explaining it to an alien from another planet who was new to Earth, or to a younger brother or sister.
Download these {FREE} Pattern Block Puzzles from the Free Printables Resource Library HERE. If you are already a Sum Math Fun subscriber, just log in to our Free Resource Library and download. 🤗
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Thanks! And as always,